The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (2024)

Table of Contents
Watkins Glen Supply, Inc. And inside: --Appleridge hosting Health Fair. People. --Accepting blood screening registrations. People. --Operation Green Light to help veterans. Features. --Meet the Candidates Night canceled. Forum. --Lou Sand Award goes to Lab Assistant. People. --Montour gets $50K in business funding. Govt. --Imagination Library open to Schuyler kids. People. --Library sets curbside service upon closure. Forum. --Cayuga Health names Nursing Officer. Business. A weekly column from State Senator O'Mara A column by Odessa Mayor Gerry Messmer The attraction of water ... The Essentials: 42 outstanding Schuylerites And inside Donations gratefully accepted ... Take advantage of our Ad Rates ... Fire District proposal hits snag; 2nd hearing set Chamber presents awards at luncheon Visit Jerlando's Ristorante & Pizzeria Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel on the Seneca Lake waterfront. 16 N. Franklin St, Watkins Glen, NY (607) 535-6116 NASCAR sets August race at WGI in 2025 Fall sports get under way at WGHS and O-M Curb installation Maggie Coffey reports from Paris. Forum. Summer Rec True Love Want to contact us? -------- Click here or on the ad above to reach the Schuyler County Partnership for Economic Development website -------------------------------- Click here or on the ad above to reach a Chamber of Commerce website. -------------- For more information about Public Health, visit its website here. ---------- Watkins Glen's Annette Rodriguez has published her second book of poetry, titled "Surfaced. See me, Understand Me." It is available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and on her website here. ------------- Read The Stoneware of Havana, N.Y. and Its Makers by Allen F. Sweet. A history of the manufacturing of Stoneware in that village (Montour Falls) from 1850-1888. More than 100 color photos. Available at the Schuyler County Historical Society Museum. ----------- A book of poetry by J.A. Bauman of Watkins Glen -- "words that God gave me to share with you." Available through ----------- A Christian-based autobiography written by Melinda Kreischer, pen name for a long-time Finger Lakes area resident. Ordering information can be found here. ---------- My Wild Ride: The Untamed Life of a Girl with No Self-esteem, an autobiography by ex-Throughbred trainer Susan Bump -- who grew up in Montour Falls -- is now available in e-book formats at major retailers including ------------ Click on the ad below to go to the Schuyler County Transit schedule. ----------- The Elizabeth Amisano Ovarian Cancer Education Fund Live Like Liz, Inc. P.O. Box 434 Watkins Glen NY 14891 --------- Contact us about our ad rates E-mail ---------------- A novel by Steve Piacente about a military cover-up, and about the ethical boundaries of journalism. For a closer look, click here. --------- The author, J.N. Brown, is a 2005 graduate of Odessa-Montour High School. He works at Corning Inc. To visit his website, click here. ---------- An account of a daughter's eating disorder and her mother's seeming helplessness and desperation in the face of it -- and yet a story of hope, love and survival, and a lifeline to other parents dealing with obsessive behavior. $17.95 from ----------- A self-help guide to understanding the role of emotions, this book offers a four-step path to emotional mastery and freedom. $15.95 from ------- An eternal message of lights, hope and faith The week following Susan Haeffner's passing was fraught with signs -- most of them light-based, and one in the form of a vision. Here the editor relives those days in an effort to pass along a message of hope and faith. Message. Above: The Aurora Borealis (From the Internet--as seen in Scandinavia) ----------- The editor's long search for some childhood icons A cabin in the woods

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Curly's Restaurant is a page sponsor -- of our People Page. People.

Other page sponsors:

Business -- Sidle Insurance

Sports -- Cayuga Health

Features -- Jeff's On-Site Services

Government -- Jr. Specchio's Inc.

Schools -- New York Connects, brought to you by the Office for the Aging.

Calendar -- Hi-Lites

Forum -- Odessa Wine & Spirits


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Rotary Club website.

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4 Novels by the editor

Island Nights

Excerpt here.

The Islander

The entire novel:

Prelude-Chapter 4

Chapters 5-13

Chapters 14-21

Chapters 22-29

Chapters 30-36

Chapters 37-44.

Cabins in the Mist

Excerpt here

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (17)

The Maiden of Mackinac

Excerpts Maiden

and here and here.


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The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (20)

Saturday Schuyler Sports Scoreboard

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (21)Girls Swimming

Schuyler Storm wins IAC Championship

Storm 44, Whitney Point 6

Boys Soccer: Sect. IV
So. Cayuga 3, O-M 0

Stories on Sports.

Photo: Storm swimmer Makenzie Fish, a multiple winner at IAC Championship.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (22)

Early voting is here; also, Nov. 5 polling places

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (23)The election is upon us, with early voting having started in New York State Saturday.

The Schuyler County Board of Elections lists early voting times at the County Courthouse, the candidates who are running, and the polling places on Election Day, November 5th. Voting.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (24)

State Park's Sentry Bridge will be replaced

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (25)The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) has announced that the current footbridge known as the Sentry Bridge at the entrance of Watkins Glen State Park will be replaced next year. A new, sustainable span will be built "to last through the next 100 years," said park officials. It will replace the 1908 span that has been compromised by time and weather. Bridge.

Photo in text: A rendering showing what the bridge will look like. (Provided)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (26)

And inside:

--Appleridge hosting Health Fair. People.
--Accepting blood screening registrations. People.
--Operation Green Light to help veterans. Features.

--Meet the Candidates Night canceled. Forum.
--Lou Sand Award goes to Lab Assistant. People.
--Montour gets $50K in business funding. Govt.
--Imagination Library open to Schuyler kids. People.
--Library sets curbside service upon closure. Forum.
--Cayuga Health names Nursing Officer. Business.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (27)
The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (28)

A weekly column from
State Senator O'Mara

State Senator Tom O'Mara provides us with a weekly column -- this one titled "Bail reform failure keeps all of NY in danger." Column.

Left: State Sen. Tom O'Mara

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (29)

Glen School District plans $35.8M project

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (30)A Public Referendum on the proposed Capital Improvement Project will be held from noon-8 p.m. on Dec. 17th. An informational meeting is set for 6:15 p.m. Dec.3rd in the Watkins Glen Elementary School auditorium. Schools.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (31)

Schuyler Humane Society gets $1.5 million gift

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (32)The Humane Society of Schuyler County is among 82 organizations across Upstate New York receiving $360 million in major awards -- in gifts -- from the Golisano Foundation. The Humane Society award of $1.5 million, given over four years, will allow the organization to expand community outreach programs to improve animal welfare in the area. "We are tremendously grateful," said Chad Hendrickson, chairman of the Humane Society board. "This gift," added Executive Director Georgie Taylor, "will further the sustainability of the organization, which will make a difference for every animal who crosses our door for years to come."

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (33)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (34)

A column by Odessa
Mayor Gerry Messmer

The mayor provides us with another in his series of columns on what is happening in Odessa and the surrounding area. This time he provides an update on village projects and urges people to participate in the village government in the near future. Column.

Photo: Odessa Mayor Gerry Messmer

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (35)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (36)

The attraction of water ...

The editor looks at the role of bodies of water in his life -- how they influenced him as a child, and still do. Column.

Anyone caring to advertise may contact the publisher, Charlie Haeffner, at for information.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (37)

The Essentials: 42 outstanding Schuylerites

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (38)Longtime Schuyler County District Attorney Joseph G. Fazzary and Watkins Glen Mayor Laurie DeNardo have been added to the list of The Essentials, a group of 42 outstanding Schuyler County residents or natives who have impacted life here or elsewhere. With the two latest inductees, there are now 21 men and 21 women among the honorees. None of The Essentials are in the Schuyler County Hall of Fame, but perhaps will be someday. Essentials.

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The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (44)

The falls behind Dr. Kevin Field's office in Burdett.

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The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (46)

Click on the ad below to reach The Falls Home website.

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The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (51)

Looking to buy sports and non-sports trading cards, mostly pre-1988, along with movie related memorabilia. Call
Charlie Haeffner at (607) 742-2772.

And inside

Read the latest Letters to the Editor on the Forum Page.

Part 1 of "Schuyler County and Me," reprised, Click here.
For Part 2, click here.
For Part 3, click here .
For Part 4, click here.
For Part 5, click here.


The Editor's

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (52)


Death Notices on the Obituary Page.

Helen Gillmor Fausold, 65, of Ithaca.
Thomas G. Merrill, 72, formerly of Watkins Glen.
Gary Francis Chapin, 73, of Bentley Creek, PA.
Fred H. Barr, 76, of Montour Falls.
Glenna Versa Ergott, 100, of Watkins Glen.
Rebecca Ann (Young) Voorhees, 71, of Montour Falls.
Nolan Paul Ernhout, 32, of Tyrone.
April M. Derr, 41, of Montour Falls.
Diane A. Anderson, 86, of Hector.
Sante J. Conti, 78, of Watkins Glen.
Shea Thomas Callanan, 4½, of Rochester.
Edward W. Osborne, 63, of Watkins Glen.
David Paul Woodworth, 68, formerly of Watkins Glen.
Rose Marie Smith, 91.
Mary J. Hubbell, 89, of Newfield.
Joan L. Terry, 87, formerly of Montour Falls.
Donn Medd Gaebelein, 96, of Rock Stream.
Ian Matthew Mockler, 19, of Rock Stream.

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Donations gratefully accepted ...

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (58)Since The Odessa File operates primarily on the strength of advertising, its economic well-being can become a bit tenuous, especially when advertisers opt not to continue on these pages.

Accordingly, any reader contributions are very welcome. Anyone wishing to send a donation can do so by mailing it to: The Odessa File, P.O. Box 365, Odessa, NY 14869.

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Take advantage of our Ad Rates ...

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (60)The Odessa File operates primarily on the strength of advertising, although a few readers send contributions to help the cause.

Ad space is always available, in different page locations, but currently key page sponsorships are also available: atop the PSA Page (at $50/month).

For a look at our Ad Rate chart, click here. For more information, contact The Odessa File by email ( or by phone at 607-742-2772.

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The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (62)

Congressman Nick Langworthy addresses his Chef's audience.

Langworthy visits Chef's as election day nears

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (63)U.S. Rep. Nick Langworthy paid a visit to our region on Oct. 17, with stops in Corning and Elmira before visiting Classic Chef's outside Montour Falls, where a group of 16 folks -- invited to the event -- interacted with him. The Congressman, who said he wished he could touch base with the people of Schuyler more often, discussed war (in Ukraine and the Middle East), the death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar ("a butcher" who "I hope rots in hell"), Project 2025 ("I don't even know what it is ... There is no reality behind it"), the need for "cowboy diplomacy" on the world stage instead of the "weakness" shown by President Biden, and the upcoming election, in which "hopefully people are going to give me another term." Among those present were Schuyler Legislature Chair Carl Blowers and Legislators Phil Barnes and Laurence Jaynes, as well as Montour Falls Mayor Jim Ryan and County Sheriff Kevin Rumsey.

Photo: Congressman Nick Langworthy at Classic Chef's.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (64)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (65)

Mars Rogers, selected by the judges as one of three talent-show winners, sings "From the Start" by Laufey.

Talent Show offers variety of acts at O-M

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (66)Three winners were selected by a panel of four judges on Oct. 18 at the "O-M's Got Talent" show in Odessa-Montour High School's Fetter-Brown Auditorium. Selected as winners among 14 acts were Mars Rogers, who sang "From the Start" by Laufey; Jaxson Pound, who took the stage to solve a Rubik's Cube in about a minute; and Alex Campbell, who sang "Whither Must I Wander" by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Other acts included several individual singers, a vocal quartet, a piano solo, and a pogo stick jumper.

Right: Noelle Freund sings "Let It Go" from "Frozen."

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (67)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (68)

The ribbon is cut at the Overlook Coffee Company in Burdett. From left: Burdett Mayor Linda Arcangeli; Cayuga Health System COO Tracy Gates (mother of Brittany Thorpe, who owns the building with husband Adam, and of Brandon Evans, who owns the business with his wife Christina Gandy); the Thorpes; Evans and Gandy; Schuyler Legislator Laurence Jaynes (rear); Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Nigar Hale; Sharon Murphy from the office of Congressman Nick Langworthy, and Schuyler County Deputy Administrator Chris Desrochers.

Ribbon is cut at Overlook Coffee Company

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (69)A ribbon cutting was held Wednesday morning, Oct. 16 to celebrate the arrival of The Overlook Coffee Company at 3825 Main Street in the Village of Burdett. The company, in a building owned and renovated by Adam and Brittany Thorpe, is owned and operated by the husband-wife team of Brandon Evans (Brittany Thorpe's brother) and Christina Gandy. It opened in July and has already become a popular hangout for area residents. The business's mission: "To bring the finest, handcrafted coffees to the community."

Photo in text: Business owners Brandon Evans and wife Christina Gandy, with Gandy holding a Special Congressional Recognition presented by Sharon Murphy from the office of U.S. Rep. Nick Langworthy.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (70)

2 killed in Dix accident were visitors from India

The two people killed late Sunday morning, Oct. 13, in a two-car accident at the intersection of County Routes 16 and 17 in the Town of Dix have been identified by the Schuyler County Sheriff's Department as a visiting husband and wife from India, Manjula Velikanti, 55, and Prasad Velikanti, 61. They were passengers in an eastbound car operated by their son, Anjani Velikanti, 30, who lives in downstate New York and who they were visiting. Their car was struck by a northbound vehicle and rolled over, with the two victims ejected. The Sheriff's Office said Anjani Velikanti was not injured, and was issued a summons for allegedly failing to yield the right of way. The driver and passenger of the other vehicle were not injured.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (71)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (72)

WGHS senior Julia Spahalski addresses the Rotarians.

2 honored as Rotary Students of the Month

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (73)Odessa-Montour High School senior Riley Brooks (right) and Watkins Glen High School senior Julia Spahalski (above) were honored Oct. 17th by the Watkins -Montour Rotary Club as its Students of the Month for October.

Brooks, introduced by O-M Secretary Judy Kastenhuber, was lauded for her volunteerism, and for her leadership and dedication as treasurer "of several clubs" -- as well as of the National Honor Society and the Class of 2025. A golfer and swimmer, she is also a member of Student Council and Drama Club, and has participated in school plays for three years. She plans to attend either Florida State University or SUNY Canton to pursue a career as a Crime Scene Investigator.

Spahalski (pictured at top), introduced by Coach Ralph Diliberto, was lauded for her volunteerism and kind, respectful approach to life. A promising soccer player before knee injuries sidelined her, she holds state powerlifting records through strength training led by Diliberto, and is a member of the Lake Hawks Weightlifting Hall of Fame. Recently named the WGHS Homecoming Queen, she is president of Student Council, helps oversee the school store, and volunteers in the Elementary School. She plans to attend college in Elementary Education with an eye toward a career as an Elementary School teacher.

Photo in text: O-M senior Riley Brooks with her award.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (74)

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS in the evening sky

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (75)This photo was submitted by Mark P. Taylor PhD, who wrote:

"Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS looking west from Fitzpatrick Hill at about 7:15 p.m. on October 15.

"The comet has made its turn around the sun and is heading out of the solar system to its home in the Oort Cloud.

"It will be back in about 80,000 years."

It is expected to be best seen through Oct. 26 after making its closest approach last Saturday.

Photo: Mark P. Taylor

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (76)

Rotary honors Vickio as Paul Harris Fellow

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (77)Tony Vickio, renowned local sign painter, Corvette lover and head of the Spirit of Schuyler -- which provides emergency funding to people in need -- was on hand Thursday at a meeting of the Watkins-Montour Rotary Club to tell the club about a recent trip he took to Monza, Italy to attend the Italian Grand Prix. He was surprised, though, when he was first honored as a Paul Harris Fellow -- a Rotary award honoring people exhibiting service above self. After his talk, Vickio had some news for Rotarians -- the return of a Corvette Festival (introduced in 2023 but not held in 2024) set for May 17-18, 2025. It will include a car show at Clute Park and a downtown festival in Watkins Glen.

Photo: Tony Vickio with Rotary's Bridgette Stewart, who presented him with the Paul Harris honor. He was introduced by Rotarian Don Stocum, who lauded Vickio's Spirit of Schuyler.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (78)

Fire District formation meeting is canceled

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (79)Odessa Fire Chief Adam Mahnke announced Sunday that the "proposed formation of a Fire District for the Odessa Area has been unsuccessful" -- and that, accordingly, a planned hearing on Oct. 16 regarding formation of the District has been "canceled at this time." Mahnke said that the towns involved -- Catharine and parts of Montour, Cayuta, Hector and Veteran -- "will need to continue to contract for Fire Service protection" from the Odessa Hose and Chemical Company, which "will continue to provide services ... for as long as we are able to do so." The Fire District, which would have been similar in scope to the existing Fire Protection Service, was needed, Odessa Mayor Gerry Messmer said at an initial public hearing on Sept 18, because the village's very existence as a municipality depends on it. Creation of the district, he said, would remove the Odessa Fire Department from village control and from its books -- at a time when operating the department has become more than the village can afford.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (80)

Gardner honored by Veterans' Services Dept.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (81)Kristine Gardner, former Schuyler County Veterans Service Officer and Director, has been honored by her new employer, the New York State Department of Veterans' Services at the Bath VA Campus, as its Rookie All-Star for her work as a Veterans Benefits Advisor. The department said Gardner has, since assuming her post on July 5 following her controversial April 18 dismissal by Schuyler County, raised repressed claim numbers and "re-established past services such as weekly rounds at the Bath VAMC's Community Living Center" -- showing "high levels of reliability, adaptability and self-initiative." Said Gardner: "I am beyond humbled."

Photo: Kristine Gardner, center, receives award from Dept. of Veterans' Services Deputy Commissioner Joel Evans and Commissioner Viviana DeCohen. (Provided)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (82)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (83)

The WGHS Homecoming Court: from left, Sam Caslin, Isaiah Rudy, Liam Smith, Julia Spahalski, Kendra Fish and Molly Coolican. (Photos provided)

WGHS names its Homecoming Queen, King

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (84) Watkins Glen High School's Homecoming Weekend kicked off Friday night with a dance at the Seneca Lake Events Center at Clute Park, where Julia Spahalski and Liam Smith were announced as the Queen and King. A Homecoming Parade is set for 4 p.m. today (Saturday) down Decatur Street from Lafayette Park, with the Homecoming Game against Lansing slated for 7 p.m. at the school's Alumni Field.

Photo: Homecoming Queen Julia Spahalski, King Liam Smith.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (85)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (86)

Among the Falls Harvest Festival performers was singer Holly Campbell, here singing "The Story," accompanied on guitar by Kerrigan Catlin.

Annual Falls Harvest Festival draws a crowd

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (87)The 17th Annual Falls Harvest Festival was held on a sunny day Saturday, drawing a large crowd to downtown Montour Falls. Vendors lined both sides of Main Street, with an overflow number positioned on side streets. The many vendors, live music, closing fireworks and beautiul weather made for a popular event lauded by those in attendance.

Photo at right: A youngster keeps a close watch on a large snake held by Dan the Snakeman, who bills himself as a snake and reptile educator.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (88)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (89)

Montour Falls Tea Company owner Sarah Moore, center, prepares to cut the celebratory ribbon. From left: SCOPED Executive Director Judy McKinney Cherry, Montour Falls Mayor Jim Ryan, Sarah Moore, Schuyler County Legislator Laurence Jaynes, and Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Nigar Hale.

Ribbon-cutting welcomes tea firm to Montour

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (90)A ribbon-cutting ceremony heralding the arrival of The Montour Falls Tea Company to 214 W. Main Street in Montour was held Saturday afternoon while the Falls Harvest Festival was in full swing just outside the Tea Company's doors. The business, owned by New Jersey transplant Sarah Moore, "offers a wide variety of loose-leaf teas, hot tea, cold brew teas and cocktail infusions, as well as local artisian crafts and creations," according to a flyer created by the Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce in preparation for the celebration.

Photo in text: The Montour Falls Tea Company logo as presented on a t-shirt worn by business owner Sarah Moore.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (91)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (92)The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (93)

Left: Author Jim Potter at the signing. Right: Potter talks to another author, Barb Warner Deane, at his signing. Potter said the work of Deane, formerly of Schuyler County and now of Geneva, inspired him (because of her local ties) to write "Rocco of 1935."

Book signing draws steady crowd in Watkins

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (94)A book signing held Oct. 6 at the Seneca Harbor Station restaurant in Watkins Glen drew a steady gathering of fans. They were there to celebrate the publication of a novel titled "Rocco of 1935" -- to buy an author-signed copy or bring their own copies in to be autographed. The author is Jim Potter of Hector, NY and Charlotte, NC, who wrote the book under a nom de plume: Cain Wilkins. The book -- which Potter says he wrote for fun -- is set in the 1930s, and takes place mostly in Watkins Glen.

Potter says the plot, which encompasses boxing, a woman's disappearance, and a local sheriff's efforts to unravel the mystery of that case, is "mostly made up" -- although stemming from stories told him by his late grandfather, James Scaptura, a Golden Gloves boxer in the 1930s who was also a muskrat trapper, a Jefferson Hotel bartender, and a Watkins Salt worker. He died in 1999. Potter, an IBM engineer turned building contractor, published the book through Amazon, where it is available. It may also be found in local stores.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (95)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (96)

Clinton and other nearby Montour Falls streets were closed, and the neighborhood evacuated. The car shown here was en route to pick up a family member from a nearby house.

Gas leak prompts evacuation of part of Falls

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (97) A gas leak caused by excavation work next to the Catharine Valley Trail in Montour Falls Thursday afternoon led to the temporary evacuation of homes in an adjoining neighborhood. It also caused a shutdown of Rt. 14 from the juncture with Rt. 224 and running north -- with drivers instructed to take an alternate route to Watkins Glen. Emergency personnel announced later in the afternoon that the leak had been stopped, and that the displaced reisidents could return home. Officials said gas service to the village would be temporarily suspended.

Photo: A board overseen by officials stationed at the Montour Falls Fire Department during the leak kept track of where emergency personnel was being utilized.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (98)

Ameigh earns Region III Athlete of Week honor

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (99) Watkins Glen High School alum Lillian Ameigh (right), a freshman at Corning Community College, has been named the NJCAA Region III Athlete of the Week for her performance in goal for the Red Barons' women's soccer team. Ameigh, a perennial All-Star goalkeeper in high school, had an .875 save percentage in two games. She made 13 saves against Tompkins Cortland (one on a Penalty Kick) in a 2-2 tie, and 15 saves against Genesee CC (including three saves on four PKs) in a 2-0 defeat.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (100)

Judge Spaccio resigns amid investigation

Donald R. Spaccio, a Justice of the Montour Falls Village Court and the Montour Town Court, has resigned while under investigation by the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct regarding three complaints against him. Government.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (101)
The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (102)

Fire District proposal hits snag; 2nd hearing set

Questions abound, and one town opts out, as five town councils and the Odessa Village Board hold a public hearing on the proposed formation of a fire district. Rather than approve the district, councils voted to hold a second public hearing, set for Oct. 16. Govt.

Photo: Atty. Mark C. Butler, who outlined the district proposal.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (103)

School Board to discuss filling vacant seat

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (104)The Watkins Glen School Board will meet Sept. 30 to discuss the process for filling the vacant seat created by the recent resignation of Jessica Bravo from the board due to personal reasons. "We have accepted her resignation and extend our sincere gratitude for her four years of dedicated service to our district," said Board President Keith Caslin in a message to district residents. "We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will keep you informed of any developments."

Photo in text: Jessica Bravo (File photo)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (105)

Along the Catharine Valley Trail ...

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (106)Area photographer Marti Dense sent us the offering at right with this notation:

"The scenery along the Catharine Valley Trail between Montour Falls and Watkins Glen never disappoints!

"I spotted this Juvenile Osprey there recently."

Photo by Marti Dense

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (107)

Grand Prix Festival held in downtown Watkins

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (108)The streets of Watkins Glen were full of racers and specialty cars on Friday, Sept. 6th as the Watkins Glen Grand Prix Festival and the Sportscar Vintage Racing Association (SVRA) teamed up to celebrate road racing history. Features.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (109)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (110)

Odessa's 444,000 gallon water tower, installed in 1999. This is the first time it's been cleaned of sediment-- something DPW Chief Steve Siptrott said might become an annual event. The water being pumped from the bottom of the tank was carried through the green hose and out to a field.

Sediment removed from Odessa water tower

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (111)A large vacuum operated by a diver with Atlantic Underwater Services Inc. of Lake Pleasant was removing six to eight inches of sediment from the bottom of the Odessa Village water tower Sept. 3rd on Texas Hollow Road -- part of the village's ongoing water improvement project. The sediment, which an Atlantic spokesman said was less than the 18 inches that had been estimated, accumulated across a quarter century, and according to DPW Chief Steve Siptrott, has contributed significantly to discolored water reported for years by some village residents. Phase 1 of the water project, which has included the installation of new pipes throughout the village, will segue later this year into the Phase 2 construction of a state-of-the-art treatment plant at the end of Merchant Avenue.

Photo: Black water pours out of a hose connected to a vacuum wielded by a diver in the water tower tank.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (112)

An Atlantic worker serves as a second set of eyes for the diver, who was wearing a camera showing on the TV screen what he was seeing at the bottom of the tank.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (113)

Plaque honoring Victor Franzese unveiled

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (114)Family members and friends gathered Sept. 5 at the International Motor Racing Research Center in Watkins Glen for the unveiling of a plaque there honoring the late Victor Franzese, who for decades hosted racing legends at the Glen Motor Inn he owned and operated with his wife Linda. Franzese, who also competed in numerous races and was previously honored with a stone in the Watkins Glen Drivers Walk of Fame, died in 2021. The foundation-funded plaque was secured by brother-in-law Tom Pandick, who praised the honoree in remarks preceding the unveiling.

Photo: Linda Franzese, widow of Vic, was on hand for the ceremony, which had been kept a secret from her. She said she was both surprised and "overwhelmed."

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (115)

WG girls top ND in OT as Honrath sets record

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (116)The Watkins Glen High School girls varsity soccer team got two goals from senior Skye Honrath, including the game-winner in double overtime, to defeat Elmira Notre Dame 2-1 Wednesday night on WGHS's Alumni Field. The two goals lifted Honrath's career total to 74, surpassing the previous school record of 73 set by alum and current Lake Hawks Assistant Coach Hannah Morse. Honrath was given a game ball by Coach Scott Morse, Hannah's father, who said he will cover the cost of the ball himself. Watkins Glen, the two-time Section IV, Class C champion playing in Class B this year, is now 2-0 heading into a road game Friday against Spencer-Van Etten/Candor.

Photo: Skye Honrath, left, with the game ball, and previous record holder Hannah Morse.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (117)

Board OKs pickle-ball league's use of Center

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (118)The Watkins Glen Village Board on Sept. 3 approved a request for use of the Community Center for a pickle-ball league. The league, overseen by Bob Decker, will operate on Wednesdays from 5:30-8:30 p.m. starting Oct. 16 and running through March 6. The eight-team league is expected to see participation by 40 people.

Photo: Trustees Stephen Klemann, left, and Bob Carson.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (119)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (120)

Chamber presents awards at luncheon

The Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce presented four awards to area businesses and individuals at its annual awards luncheon at Veraisons Restaurant on Aug. 29th. People.

Photo: Schuyler Legacy Award winner Kate LaMoreaux.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (121)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (122)

Visit Jerlando's Ristorante & Pizzeria

Three locations: in Watkins Glen, Horseheads and Montour Falls

Click here or on the photo at left to go to the Jerlando's website. There you will find information about all three locations, plus menus.

Left: The front of the recently renovated Jerlando's at Franklin and 4th Streets, Watkins Glen

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (123)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (124)

Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel
on the Seneca Lake waterfront.
16 N. Franklin St, Watkins Glen, NY
(607) 535-6116

Upscale, contemporary rooms and suites plus an American restaurant, an indoor pool and a fitness center.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (125)

For other recent Schuyler County news, click here.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (126)

Pet of the Week: Harley

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (127)Name: Harley
Sex: Spayed Female
Age: 1 year
Breed: Pit Bull
Size: Medium-Large
This gorgeous one-year-old girl may have a future as a professional dog model, don't you think? Sweet, loving and perhaps just a bit impish, this little lady is all in. She loves a full day of play and adventure and then to curl up on the couch with you when the day is done. Harley is a very willing and apt student who would excel in puppy school. She enjoys the company of other dogs (she lived with another), but may not be willing to share her toys or food with others. If you're looking for an overall great family dog or a steadfast, loyal buddy, stop by to meet Harley.

The adoption fee for adult dogs is $225. All have been spayed or neutered, vaccinated for rabies, kennel cough, DH(L)PP, have had a complete fecal analysis, been treated for internal and external parasites, are heartworm tested and on heartworm preventative and flea and tick preventative, and are microchipped. Stop in on Mondays and Fridays from 10-1, Saturdays from 10-4, or Sundays from 2-5 without an appointment or call us at 607-594-2255 to schedule an appointment. Or visit our website,, to fill out an adoption application to get the process started.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (128)

NASCAR sets August race at WGI in 2025

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (129)Watkins Glen International will once again help set up the NASCAR Cup Series Playoffs field with an August race weekend near the end of the 2025 regular season. Sports.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (130)

Schuyler Habitat to dedicate house in Watkins

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (131)The fifth Schuyler County Habitat for Humanity house will be dedicated on Sunday, September 8th at 2 p.m. The house is located at 126 Fifth Street in the village of Watkins Glen. The public is invited to the dedication to tour the structure. People.

Photo: The Habitat house.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (132)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (133)

Quacey Wilt (14) gains some yardage for the White squad at the Blue-White scrimmage.

Storm tunes up with Blue-White Scrimmage

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (134)The Schuyler Storm varsity football team (Watkins Glen and Odessa-Montour players) held its annual Blue-White intrasquad scrimmage Saturday on the WGHS Alumni Field in preparation for the regular season kickoff at O-M on Sept. 14 against Newark Valley. Another scrimmage, at WGHS against Elmira's junior varsity, is set for Saturday, Sept. 7 at either 9 or 10 a.m. The biggest challenge facing the Storm, says Coach Trevor Holland, is the young team's lack of experience. It will play in Class C, Division 5 against Waverly, Lansing, Dryden and Whitney Point.

Photo: Starting quarterback Christopher Simiele, a junior, eludes a tackler during the Blue-White Scrimmage.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (135)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (136)

Fall sports get under way at WGHS and O-M

Practices began in full on Aug. 26 at Watkins Glen and Odessa-Montour High Schools for the upcoming high school fall sports season -- including cross country at O-M for the first time in years. Sports.

Photo: WGHS standouts Ava Kelly, right, and Natalee Oliver

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (137)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (138)

Ivy Lane Flowers owner Abby Lane cuts the ribbon. From left, the ceremony speakers: Watkins Glen Mayor Laurie DeNardo; Sharon Murphy from the office of Congressman Nick Langworthy; building owner Jeff Dill (behind Murphy); Abby Lane; Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Nigar Hale, and Schuyler County Administrator Shawn Rosno.

Ribbon cutting celebrates Ivy Lane Flowers

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (139)Scores of well-wishers were on hand Aug. 22 for a ribbon-cutting at Ivy Lane Flowers, 223-1 North Franklin Street in Watkins Glen. The business, opened in May by Abby Lane -- who had worked for three years before that at the Chamber of Commerce office across the street -- provides (in Lane's words) "flowers, gifts, atmosphere and fun." It is part of a combined operation with Jeff Dill, who owns the building and operates a wine bar on the same site.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (140)Dill recruited Lane after hearing of her participation in a Floral Design program at the New York Botanical Gardens in New York City and her interest in opening a floral business. The wine bar/floral business has worked so well, he said, "I can't imagine this being anything else."

Top: Building owner and wine-bar owner Jeff Dill.
Bottom: Abby Lane below a rose-dominated floral arrangement she prepared for the celebration.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (141)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (142)

Schuyler Storm Head Coach Trevor Holland addresses his team.

Storm varsity football team has its 1st practice

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (143)The Schuyler Storm varsity football team gathered for its first practice ahead of the upcoming fall season on Aug. 19 -- 24 of its 26 members (two were on vacation) put through the paces by coaches on the Watkins Glen High School Alumni Field. The Storm, a combined squad of WGHS and Odessa-Montour High School athletes, opens it season at O-M at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14 (a change from a previously announced date of Sept. 13) against Newark Valley. The Storm's annual Blue-and-White scrimmage is at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 31 at WGHS (rescheduled from Aug. 24). Vying for quarterback are junior Christopher Simiele and sophomore Hunter Mowry. The team, which lost about a dozen players to graduation, has some inexperience, but only two freshmen. The rest of the freshmen will play on the modified squad, which starts its practices Aug. 26 with 47 players.

Photo: A member of the Storm varsity football team practices on a new piece of equipment: a Jax Tackler -- purchased by the WGHS Sports Boosters.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (144)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (145)r

Wendy Criss with Diesel during his first day outside after several days in the hospital. (Photo provided)

Diesel, back with owner, needs to take it easy

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (146)Diesel, a 2-year-old, part Lab, part Mastiff rescued from a house fire Aug. 11 on 11th Street in Watkins Glen, is back with owner Wendy Criss after a five-day stay in a Cornell University animal hospital. Diesel, overcome by smoke at the scene but revived by firefighters, sustained lung damage, says Criss, who noted that her pet -- who she had obtained from an Ithaca SPCA just four days before the fire -- "needs to take it easy" because he is, as a result of his injuries, susceptible to diseases. The fire, which started in her home's kitchen while Criss was at work at a Lodi State Park campground, left her homeless, though a neighbor was able to rent her an apartment on 11th Street. She said she will either decide to reconstruct the house -- which sustained smoke and water damage throughout -- or sell it as is to a developer. Either way, she's happy to have Diesel back. "He's such a sweetheart," she said.

Photo: Cornell animal hospital workers with Diesel. (Provided)

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The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (148)

The band Still Kickin' performing at the Odessa Community Day on Church Street in the village.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (149)Crowd attends Community Day

Despite early rain, the first-ever Odessa Community Day -- organized by Watkins Promotions and local officials -- was held on August 17th in the village. It featured food, live music, and about 20 vendors. Features.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (150)

Parole denied again for convicted killer Horein

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (151)Joshua J. Horein, 40, of Watkins Glen (right) has been denied parole for the 7th time by the New York State Board of Parole -- a written June decision recently released. He won't be eligible again until December 2025. Horein was convicted of Murder in the Second Degree and sentenced to 20 years to life in prison for the Aug. 5, 2000 murder of Amber Brockway, 15, in Watkins Glen. Horein was 16 at the time. His release has been opposed by the Brockway family, community members and Schuyler County District Attorney Joseph Fazzary, who said Horein "took the life of a beautiful and vibrant teenage girl for no reason. It was a senseless act."

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (152)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (153)

Olivia Coffey is greeted by husband Michael Blomquist, who preceded her home from Paris. Livy said having her husband, parents and other family at the Olympics "was really nice."

Livy, teammate arrive home to airport welcome

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (154)Olivia Coffey of Burdett, after competing in Paris on the U.S. Women's Eight rowing team for the 2nd straight Olympics, arrived at Elmlira Corning Regional Airport about 11 p.m. Aug. 12 after flying during the day from Paris to Atlanta to Detroit and then home. She was traveling with rowing teammate Molly Bruggeman, formerly of Dayton, Ohio but now moving in with boyfriend Matt Sharkey in Corning. The two women were greeted at the airport by Livy's husband Michael Blomquist and her parents Cal and Maggie Coffey, and by Sharkey and his mother Chris, who lives with husband John in Troupsburg.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (155)Livy said it had been "a long travel day," and that she hadn't expected such a welcoming committee, complete with signs. She said that while her team's fifth-place Olympics finish "was not the result I thought we were gonna get ... it didn't mean there was any less effort." She said she hasn't made up her mind whether to compete in the 2028 Games in Los Angeles, while Molly said "if Livy does, I will."

Photos: Olivia Coffey arrives to an airport welcome; and Coffey with teammate Molly Bruggeman, now of Corning.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (156)

This banner, funded by community donations, was installed Aug. 13 at the corner of 4th and Decatur Streets in Watkins Glen.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (157)

Watkins Elks Lodge presents $6,000 in checks

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (158)The Watkins Glen Elks Lodge 1546 presents checks for $5,000 to the Schuyler Health Foundation, $500 to the Village of Watkins Glen and $500 to Camp Star -- grant funds from the Elks National Foundation. People.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (159)

Camp Star kids enjoy a day in Watkins Glen

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (160)Sixty-two children attending Camp Star enjoyed a day in Watkins Glen on Aug. 13 -- a day organized by the Watkins-Montour and Horseheads Rotary Clubs. The children, with developmental disabilities that might keep them from enjoying a typical camping experience, rode in firetrucks and took a boat cruise, and were provided a pizza lunch. Features.

Photo: The Camp Star kids got firetruck rides. (Provided)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (161)

Glen Board OKs concert; alters meeting time

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (162)The Watkins Glen Village Board on Aug. 6 approved:
>A special event application for a performance Sept. 8 by the Southern Tier Brass Quintet in Lafayette Park as a Summer Concert Series add-on. The event, from 3-6 p.m., will include talks about the park's history and its recent upgrades.
>A rate of $3 per person, effective Aug. 12, for use of the Community Center for pickleball -- which has been growing in popularity. The board, which had not been charging for the sport, will take another look at rates in the fall.
>The hiring of one lifeguard, and the transition of another to lead lifeguard, to ensure continuation of swimming at Clute Park through Sept. 2.
>A change in the starting time of Village Board meetings from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. effective with the meeting on Sept. 3

Tabled: A request for 40 cars to drive two laps of the Old Grand Prix Course on Sept. 20. The board wants further information, including the role expected of village police.

Photo: Watkins Glen Mayor Laurie DeNardo at Aug. 6 meeting

Odessa Village Board moves ahead with Phase 2
of its water project. Govt.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (163)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (164)

Among the fire department trucks responding to the blaze was a Watkins Glen ladder truck. Also on site: trucks from the Montour Falls and Dundee departments.

Fire damages Watkins Glen home; dog saved

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (165)A fire that began in the kitchen at the rear of the house at 114 Eleventh Street in Watkins Glen late Sunday morning spread upstairs but was quickly extinguished by firefighters. The homeowner, Wendy Criss, was not present at the time, but her dog -- a mixed Lab named Diesel -- was. He was found inside on the floor near the front door by a firefighter, carried outside and attended by firefighters feeding him oxygen. Veterinarian Martha Hawksworth arrived to treat him, and had Diesel -- gradually recovering from his ordeal -- taken to The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (166) Lakeside Veterinary Services in Montour Falls for more observation. The homeowner -- who one official said had only recently obtained Diesel from a Tompkins County animal shelter -- arrived before Diesel's departure and was able to comfort him. Meanwhile, fire investigators were on site trying to determine the cause of the blaze.

Top Photo: An air conditioner in a kitchen window was scorched, and the window broken. (Photo by David Waite)

Bottom Photo: Diesel, apparently recovered.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (167)

Heavy rain powers Montour's Shequaga Falls

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (168)The rain from tropical storm Debby drenched our region Friday, prompting flash flood warnings in several counties and creating flood conditions in some Steuben County communities. In Montour Falls, the most visible result of the rain was likely Shequaga Falls, whose rushing water was something of a tourist attraction, with many drivers parking nearby so they could get out to snap some photos of Mother Nature roaring.

Photo: A view of Shequaga Falls on Friday afternoon, Aug. 9th

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (169)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (170)

Curb installation

An Aug. 5th rainstorm slowed, but didn't stop, road crews installing new curbing along Main Street in Odessa. The NYS Department of Transportation project, which includes sidewalks and traffic bump-outs, has been underway for weeks on one side of the street, but has now shifted to the other. Construction work in the village has also included the installation of new water pipes throughout.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (171)

Olympics: Women's Eight team finishes 5th

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (172)The U.S. Women's Eight rowing team, with Burdett's Olivia Coffey in seat 7, finished fifth in the Aug. 3 finals at the Paris Olympics. Romania won the gold medal in a time of 5:54.39, with Canada second (5:58.34) and Great Britain third (5:59.51). Australia surged at the end to place fourth (6:00.73), with the U.S. behind them in 6:01.73. Italy was sixth.

Coffey, an alternate at the Rio Games, was also a member of the Eights crew that finished fourth at the Tokyo Games.

Her rowing team in Paris included Ithaca College graduate Meghan Musnicki in seat five, along with Molly Bruggeman, Margaret Hedeman, Maddie Wanamaker, Claire Collins, Regina Salmons, stroke Charlotte Buck and coxswain Nina Castagna.

Photo: Olivia Coffey on an Olympics promotional ad.

Maggie Coffey reports from Paris. Forum.

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The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (174)

The fellow throwing the ball connected on this attempt, sending the young woman into the dunk tank full of water.

Hector Family A-Fair completes its 2-day run

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (175)The second annual Hector Family A-Fair completed its two-day run Aug. 3rd on the Valois-Logan-Hector Fire Department grounds in Hector. The fair, with carnival inflatables to keep the kids climbing, sliding and bouncing, also featured large tents hosting a Kids Zone, live music and other festival activities. Beyond that, there were food vendors, as well as raffles and a book sale that helped raise funds for the fire department and emergency services.

Photo in text: Among the entertainments: a magic show by Ron Cain, here shown preparing.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (176)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (177)

Summer Rec

Kids attending the Summer Recreation program at Watkins Glen's Clute Park are shown here undertaking a project Friday under the tutelage of Corning's Science and Discovery Center, which is teaching various hands-on lessons each day under a Community Foundation grant. The subject this time was the creation of slimy worms, made of malleable plastic materials. The Summer Rec program, reprised last year after years off, is completing its fourth of six weeks.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (178)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (179)

Jackie Mace, one of five girls in the wrestling camp, squares off against Quacey Wilt during the camp's Clute Park outing. Mace attends Odessa-Montour High School, while Wilt attends Watkins Glen High School.

Wrestling Camp takes to the Clute Park shore

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (180)The Odessa-Montour / Watkins Glen Summer Wrestling Camp, being held this weekend at Watkins Glen High School, moved to Clute Park Friday afternoon for 3-minute bouts involving the camp's 55 participants, mostly 6th through 12th graders. According to camp organizer Dan Batchelder, 41 of the 55 are from the O-M and WG schools, while seven are from Dryden, five from Horseheads, and one each from Whitney Point and Trumansburg. Batchelder said the outdoor competition, on a sunny day with a cooling breeze, was undertaken because it offered the wrestlers fun. The program was moving back to the WGHS gym Saturday for the final two days of the program -- a summary of which is on Sports.

Photo: Amber Swaney and Eli Kastenhuber wrestle in one of the day's many bouts. In the background, officiating, is Troy Monks, a coach at Horseheads High School who was himself a three-time Section IV wrestling champion at O-M and an NCAA Division III champion in 1990 while wrestling at SUNY Cortland.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (181)

Ribbon-cutting marks FLX Studio anniversary

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (182)A ribbon-cutting ceremony July 19 celebrated the one-year anniversary of the FLX Studio & Maker's Market at 220 West Main Street in Montour Falls. The Studio is an inspired concept turned reality by Amanda Colunio, wife of Watkins Glen High School Principal Kyle Colunio and mother to two children. The business is advertised as a "family owned, creative space designed to inspire and empower artists of all ages. ... (It) features a curated retail space showcasing a carefully selected range of art kits, handmade items, and home decor as well as a studio space for workshops, parties and events." People.

Photo: Amanda Colunio outside the FLX Studio

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The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (184)

Ben Stamp of the FLX Gateway Community Development Corp. cuts the celebratory ribbon.

Ribbon-cutting marks opening of FLX Works

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (185)The Schuyler County Partnership for Economic Development, the Watkins Glen Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Local Planning Committee, and the FLX Gateway Community Development Corporation held a ribbon-cutting ceremony July 17th celebrating the completion of FLX Works, a coworking space in downtown Watkins Glen. Ribbon.

Photo: Among the speakers: State Senator Tom O'Mara.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (186)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (187)

Watkins Glen Mayor Laurie DeNardo and Deputy Mayor Peter Cherock at the July 16 Village Board meeting.

Watkins Board ends yard waste-bag program

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (188)The Watkins Glen Village Board -- citing cost and an absence of need -- on July 16 voted to end a program that provided free yard waste bags to village residents. The move saves the village $10,000 a year. Board members -- noting that the bags were often used for other purposes -- said they discussed the move with various residents who seemed unbothered by it. Besides, the board noted, leaf pickup will continue, so the move does not impinge on that service.

Mayor Laurie DeNardo also thanked village personnel who helped Monday in the cleanup from the late afternoon storm that knocked down trees and knocked out village power until 3:30 a.m. Tuesday.

Photo: The remaining stock of yard waste bags sits in the Watkins Glen Village Hall.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (189)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (190)

Most of the Watkins Glen School Board's organizational meeting was conducted in storm-caused darkness. Here Assistant Superintendent for Business Kyle Percey is illuminated by his battery-run laptop.

Caslin elected WG School Board president

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (191)Watkins Glen School Board member Keith Caslin was elected by the board July 15th as its president for the coming year. He garnered four of the seven available votes to outpoll incumbent president Joe Stansfield. Theresa Butler was elected vice president with the same four votes -- from Caslin, Jessica Bravo, Tracey VanSkiver and herself -- to outpoll the incumbent VP, Craig Bianco. In a ceremony before the meeting, Superintendent Kai D'Alleva bid farewell to several retiring staff members, including teacher Robin La Face, Athletic Director Rod Weeden, and Phys Ed teacher and coach Kim Suddaby. He also said farewell to Tim and Michelle Benjamin, who directed WGHS musicals for the past 20 years.

Photo: Keith Caslin at the July 15 meeting, before the storm knocked out the lights.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (192)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (193)

This tree brought down lines and blocked Cass Road near the intersection with Route 414.

Storm knocks down trees, knocks out power

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (194)A rainstorm driven by high winds knocked out power to thousands of Southern Tier residents late Monday afternoon, July 15, including in Watkins Glen and Montour Falls. Traffic lights in Watkins went dark, along with businesses and homes around the village. Fallen trees blocked traffic on South Decatur Street and Cass Road, and small bits of debris cluttered roadways in both villages, on Rt. 224 going up to Odessa, and on various Schuyler rural roads.

Photo: A falling tree damaged one end of the roof at Kurtz Enterprize in Montour Falls during Monday's storm. The damage was covered by a tarp before nightfall.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (195)

We present the 2024 Tribute Award honorees

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (196)For the fourth consecutive year, The Odessa File, in conjunction with administrators and coaches at the Watkins Glen and Odessa-Montour high schools, is honoring a group of student-athletes -- 24 of them -- with Tribute Awards based on athletics, academics, leadership, and character. To see who the honorees are, visit Tribute.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (197)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (198)

The Yard FLX on 414 celebrates its rebirth

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (199)A ribbon-cutting ceremony on July 12 celebrated the recent opening of The Yard FLX -- a go-kart (photo above) and mini golf destination long popular in years past but fallen on recent hard times. With new owner Aimee Barton leading the way, the facility has been reborn with a vision of reviving its legacy as an entertainment destination. Features.

Right: Aimee Barton

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (200)

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The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (202)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (203)

Annual Glen fireworks display draws crowd

The annual fireworks presented by the Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce on July 4th (a sample is shown at left) attracted many onlookers to the launch site, Clute Park, and to surrounding hillside vantage points.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (204)

Glen getting $4.6M water infrastructure grant

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (205)A $4.6 million Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant has been announced for the Village of Watkins Glen to improve water infrastructure and increase water capacity for the local business community. According to EDA, this grant will support the rehabilitation of Watkins Glen’s water storage tank and pump station, the replacement of water lines, and other water infrastructure improvements needed to increase capacity. The grant will be matched with $4.6 million in local funds and is expected to create or retain 120 jobs. "The EDA award will provide long overdue improvements to our water infrastructure, secure additional housing and jobs, and improve livability," said Watkins Glen Mayor Laurie DeNardo. Grant.

Photo: Watkins Glen Mayor Laurie DeNardo.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (206)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (207)

Rob Halpin is sworn in as the O-M School Board president by District Clerk Jennifer Stevenson.

Halpin re-elected as School Board president
at organizational meeting; Dechow sworn in

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (208)Robert Halpin was unanimously re-elected by his fellow Odessa-Montour School Board members as board president at the group's annual organizational meeting Thursday night. Jennifer Mosher was re-elected without opposition as the board vice president. Before those votes, Halpin was first sworn in to a new three-year term on the board, as were incumbent Dana Sgrecci and newcomer Jason Dechow, all winners in the district's May election.

Photo at right: New O-M School Board member Jason Dechow.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (209)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (210)

Storm in the distance

Glenda Stermer-Simpson sent this photo that she snapped as a storm approached during July 10th's atmospheric turbulence. "Here is a picture of the storm, from Frost Hill Road, Montour Falls, looking west," she wrote, adding: "Pretty neat to watch it come across the hill."

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (211)

Teaming to raise funds for women with cancer

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (212) The Schuyler Health Foundation and the Gorges Givers group have established a fund to provide emergency finanical aid to women diagnosed with cancer. Fund.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (213)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (214)

True Love

The photo above was provided by Watkins Glen's Marti Dense, who wrote: "A picturesque view of 'True Love' sailing by the Painted Rocks at the south end of Seneca Lake." True Love, based at the Seneca Harbor Park Pier in Watkins Glen, is a 67-foot schooner with a rich history, including inclusion in the 1956 movie "High Society."

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (215)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (216)

58 earn their diplomas at WGHS graduation

Watkins Glen High School bids farewell to the Class of 2024 in a ceremony in the school auditorium. Schools.

Photo: Senior Class President Alyson Gibson

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (217)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (218)

O-M bids farewell
to the Class of 2024

Forty-two students received their diplomas in a ceremony in the school's Fetter-Brown Auditorium. Schools.

Photo: One O-M grad's cap.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (219)

Garrison wins the 20th annual Susan Award

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (220)Odessa-Montour High School senior Keyonna Garrison has been named winner of the 20th annual Susan B. Haeffner Sportsmanship Award, named in memory of Odessa File Editor and Publisher Charlie Haeffner's wife. The award is presented each year to one recipient who embodies the characteristics of fair play, kindness and courage exhibited by Susan, who passed away due to cancer in 2004. The first recipient was named the following year: O-M's Sally Wilcox. Keyonna has exhibited courage, kindness and determination in recovering from a stroke suffered in her junior year.

Photo: Keyonna Garrison with her Susan Award.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (221)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (222)

A total of $6,000 in Watkins Glen Alumni Association scholarships went this year to four WGHS graduating seniors. The honorees included (from left) Vey Cowan, Thalia Marquez and Keira Sulkey, shown at the Alumni Banquet on June 29. The fourth honoree was Brenna Pierce, who couldn't attend the banquet since she was out of town.

Aviation pioneer honored at Alumni Banquet

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (223)The Distinguished Alumni honoree at the annual Watkins Glen High School Alumni Association Banquet June 29th -- held at the Watkins Glen Community Center -- was Grace Pitkin Birge Mayfield, valedictorian in the Class of 1930. Mayfield, who passed away in 1994, was honored in the field of Army Aeronautics. Schuyler County's only female licensed aviator in the late 1930s, Mayfield served during World War II with the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), a group that helped ferry combat aircraft within the U.S. at 126 bases -- and which, years later, won full veteran privileges. She was later a flight instructor and flight controller in Denver, and taught science and aeronautics in the Denver Public School system. On a dare from her class, she took up skydiving at the age of 56. She was inducted into the Colorado Aviation Hall of Fame in 1983.

Photo: Grace Pitkin Birge Mayfield

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (224)

Dub G Awards ceremony honors Glen athletes

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (225)School year-ending athletic awards -- the Dub G Awards -- were presented June 22 at Watkins Glen High School. The ceremony, in the school auditorium, saw Athletes of the Year announced, as well as Coach of the Year and Rookie of the Year Award winners. For a list of all of the Dub G honorees and some photos, see Sports.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (226)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (227)

This cake was sliced into pieces and distributed to the dozens of friends and family members on hand at the Bucket Bar & Grill to celebrate Gary Emerson's doctorate.

Friends, family celebrate Emerson's doctorate

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (228)Schuyler County Historian Gary Emerson of Odessa was the focal point of a party June 22 at the Bucket Bar & Grill in Odessa, held to celebrate his doctorate in American History. Dr. Emerson achieved that educational goal recently after working toward it for nine years at Binghamton University following his retirement as a teacher in the Newfield school district. Emerson, an author, said he plans to continue writing history books as well as seeking a part-time position teaching at one of the colleges or universities in our region.

Photo: Gary Emerson at the Bucket Bar & Grill party.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (229)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (230)

Schuyler County Historical Society Museums Executive Director Heather O'Grady-Evans, right, with Rotary Club President Nan Woodworth upon the presentation of a grant by the club to the Historical Society.

Rotary distributes annual community grants

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (231)The Watkins-Montour Rotary Club distributed its annual community grants June 20 to recipients at a club luncheon at the Montour Falls Moose Lodge along Route 14. While the club budgeted $3,000 in grants, it ended up distributing $5,550 as area organizations made requests for financial support totaling more than $20,000. Among the recipients were Habitat for Humanity, the Glen Gators, Friends of the Watkins Library, the Lake Country Players, the Schuyler County Historical Society, Catholic Charities, Gorges Givers, Schuyler Soccer, the Village of Watkins Glen, Friends of the Mecklenburg Park, the Hector Foundation, the Reading Community Church, the Odessa-Catharine United Methodist Church, the Humane Society of Schuyler County, and My Place-A Play and Learning Center.

Photo in text: Stacey Parrish, representing the Village of Watkins Glen, speaks upon accepting a Rotary grant for use in the village's Summer Recreation Program.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (232)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (233)

The Village of Montour Falls offered hayrides around the B.C. Cate Elementary School grounds.

B.C. Cate kids get close look at agriculture

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (234)It was Farm Day at B.C. Cate Elementary School in Montour Falls on June 21, with various aspects of agriculture on display for the students at booths set up in front of the school. Where last year the school held a Truck Day, this event offered interactive looks at beekeeping, wine-making, fruit tree planting, dairying, and other aspects of agriculture, with displays by the Forest Service, Cooperative Extension, Simmons Vineyards, Keuka Springs Winery, Sunset View Creamery, and Bee Fellas Honey, along with hayrides by the Village of Montour Falls and farm songs by Kim Laursen. Another, not yet detemined, theme is expected at the end of the next school year, with truck and agriculture themes to be repeated in future years.

Photo in text: Art teacher Michelle Walsh brought her Highland Cow to the Farm Day for kids to see close-up.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (235)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (236)

The craft STEM-Sail Research barely missed crossing the finish line, capsizing instead, both crew members eventually in the water.

Cardboard Boat Regatta draws a festive crowd

The 31st annual regatta, part of the Watkins Glen Waterfront Festival at Seneca Harbor Park on Saturday, June 15, attracted thousands of people who cheered Cardboard Boat captains and crews as the contestants paddled their way along a harbor marina course. For photos, see Features.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (237)

Awards bestowed at year-end WGHS assembly

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (238)Academic, fine arts and athletic honors are presented to Watkins Glen High School students at an assembly held in the school auditorium. Awards.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (239)

New historic marker unveiled at Jerlando's

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (240)Schuyler County historian Gary Emerson on June 13 unveiled an historic marker honoring the Freer Opera House, known today as the Jerlando’s Ristorante building in Watkins Glen. The marker is attached to the building on the Fourth Street wall. Features.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (241)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (242)

Schuyler Scholars honored at dinner

The top academic seniors in the Watkins Glen, Odessa-Montour and Bradford high schools were honored Wednesday night, June 12th at the 17th annual Schuyler Scholars dinner, held at the Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel. Schools.

Photo: Each honoree received a plaque.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (243)

Coffey to compete at Olympics in 8-oared shell

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (244)Schuyler County Olympian Olivia Coffey (right) will be rowing in the Women's 8-oared shell in the Paris Olympic Games this summer. US Rowing on Tuesday announced its full 12-crew roster -- 42 athletes, including 17 returning Olympians (one of those 17 being Coffey, who competed in the Tokyo Games and was an alternate before that, in Rio). Coffey, who earned a Paris Olympic spot more than two months ago but was unsure where she would be slotted, works (when she isn't training for the Olympics) for a firm in New York City, but resides in Burdett. Rowing in Paris will take place from July 27th to August 4th.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (245)

Gillis is The Odessa File's O-M Athlete of Year

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (246)Odessa-Montour High School senior Brad Gillis has been named The Odessa File's O-M Athlete of the Year -- an award sponsored by the E.C. Cooper Inc. Insurance Agency of Watkins Glen. Gillis had an outstanding year in football, basketball and baseball. He will attend Alfred University, where he plans to continue his football career. He joins Watkins Glen High School sophomore Rachel Vickio -- also a three-sport athlete -- as this website's Athletes of the Year.

Photo: Brad Gilllis with his O-M Athlete of the Year Award, sponsored as in past years by the E.C. Cooper Inc. Insurance Agency of Watkins Glen.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (247)

O-M bestows its year-end sports awards

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (248)Odessa-Montour High School presented its 2023-24 sports awards June 11th at the 57th annual Sports Awards Night held in the school cafeteria and auditorium. Sports.

Photo: O-M juniors Gavin Lohmeyer and Riley Brooks, recipients of Section IV Character Counts awards.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (249)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (250)

Kyren Young and Sasha Honrath at the signing ceremony.

Honrath, Young ink celebratory college forms

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (251)Watkins Glen High School seniors Sasha Honrath and Kyren Young inked celebratory signing forms June 12 with the colleges they will be attending. Honrath, a standout soccer player on two sectional championship teams at WGHS, will attend Elmira College, where she plans to continue her soccer career. Young, who holds several WGHS track sprint records, plans to continue in track at Ursinus College in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. The signings took place in the WGHS library.

Photo: Cakes were part of the celebration for both Sasha Honrath and Kyren Young.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (252)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (253)

Matilda Jr. had scores of children in its cast. It was presented for the final time June 16 at Watkins Glen High School.

LCP's Matilda Jr. ends its 4-day run at WGHS

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (254)Scores of child actors, singers and dancers populated the stage for Matilda The Musical Jr., a production of the Lake Country Players that ended a four-day run June 16 in the Watkins Glen High School auditorium. Based on the beloved book “Matilda” by Roald Dahl and adapted from the award-winning full-length musical, the play tells the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dares to take a stand, and change her own destiny.

Photo in text: Dancing played a key role in the play.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (255)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (256)

Representatives of the Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel and the Schuyler Health Foundation gathered outside the hotel for the check presentation.

Foundation receives $20,000 Ice Bar donation

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (257)The Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel on June 10 presented a $20,000 check to the Schuyler Health Foundation with proceeds generated by the hotel's annual 3-day Ice Bar event held in late January. Hart Hotels CEO and President David Hart, in remarks preceding the check presentation, said the Watkins Glen Ice Bar -- know as the Fire & Ice Celebration -- has resulted in donations of $240,000 since its inception in 2012. For years the annual donations went to the Red Cross, but more recently to the Health Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization that aims to provide funds to Schuyler Hospital and the Seneca View Skilled Nursing Facility.

Photo: Hart Hotels President and CEO David Hart at ceremony

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (258)

Odessa File Spring MVP, All-Stars unveiled

With the spring high school sports season concluded, The Odessa File presents its choice for the MVP among all of the sports, as well as a listing of the Schuyler All-Sports All-Stars. See Sports.

--Vickio is Odessa File's WGHS Athlete of Year. Sports.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (259)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (260)

Horses were among the attractions at Saturday's Montour Falls Fire Department Parade on Main Street in Montour.
See story and photos on Features.

Annual 3-day Fire Dept. Festival ends its run

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (261)MONTOUR FALLS -- A final day June 8th of rides, food, music, bingo, a chicken barbecue and a beer tent -- along with a parade featuring 10 bands -- brought the annual Montour Falls Fire Department Festival to a close. The festival, on the carnival grounds along Route 224, opened Thursday night, June 6, continued Friday night and ran from noon to its closing Saturday night. The parade down Montour's Main Street at 5 p.m. Saturday featured floats, antique vehicles, fire trucks, horses, tractors and those 10 bands, including the popular Hitmen from Rochester.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (262)Festival Chair Keith Pierce said the festival was the fire department's "only fund-raiser of the year." Live music was provided at the Parmenter Sound Stage each night and Saturday afternoon. The first musical group up Thursday night was Goin' South Entertainment. On Friday night, it was Clark Jackson; on Saturday afternoon, the Dean Goble Band; and Saturday night, Random Tangent.

Photos in text:

Top: A young girl sends a red dart (top left) toward balloons at one of the festival's games of chance.
Bottom: Festival visitors Leah Antes, left, and Sarah Strobel.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (263)

Ceremony marks Stonecat Cafe's 25 years

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (264)A ribbon was cut June 7 to mark the 25th anniversary of the Stonecat Cafe in Hector -- at a ceremony highlighted by speeches and the presentation of a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition from the office of U.S. Representative Nick Langworthy. People.

Photo: Cutting the ribbon.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (265)

Marquez inks celebratory SUNY Geneseo form

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (266)Watkins Glen High School senior Thalia Marquez, a member of the school swim team since 7th grade, signed a form on June 6th celebrating her upcoming attendance at SUNY Geneseo, where she plans to continue her swimming while pursuing a career as a Physician's Assistant. On hand were friends, family, swim coach Jason Westervelt, Athletic Director Rod Weeden and Superintendent Kai D'Alleva, who praised Marquez as "one of the most decorated swimmers in the history of our district." The event was concluded with a cake cut into squares by Marquez and distributed to the attendees.

Photo: Thalia Marquez at the signing ceremony.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (267)

Interns help village with sustainability efforts

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (268)Montour Falls Mayor Jim Ryan says that Montour Falls is fortunate to have two interns working this summer on the village's ongoing sustainability campaign. People.

Photo: Interns Helena Donnelly (left) and Emma Malnoske.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (269)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (270)

The ball caroms away from the basket in one of the boys' games at the 3-on-3 tournament in the WGHS Field House.

3 on 3 tourney raises funds for United Way

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (271)Twenty teams competing in five different brackets -- including males, females, young children and players who graduated from high school years ago -- raised money June 8th for the Schuyler County United Way through a 3-on 3 basketball tourney in the Watkins Glen High School Field House. Each player paid a registration fee of $20, which together with business sponsorships provided funds for United Way.

Photo: Hannah Morse looks for a shot.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (272)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (273)

Lou's trombone
goes to Normandy

A story from Steve Rondinaro about his father Lou's wartime and musical experiences, and about a D-Day anniversary opportunity. Trombone.

Photo: The late Louis Rondinaro and his trombone.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (274)

Kramer to succeed Weeden as AD at WGHS

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (275)Erich Kramer (right), who has been serving as Assistant Principal, will become the next Athletic Director at Watkins Glen High School, succeeding Rod Weeden, who is retiring in August. Kramer's title will be Director of Athletics, Physical Education, Health and Data, a job he will assume on July 1 -- taking full control in August. The position of Assistant Principal was eliminated in the recently approved school budget.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (276)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (277)

From left: Burdett Historian Martha Evans, Schuyler County Historical Society Museums Executive Director Heather O'Grady-Evans, Montour Falls Mayor Jim Ryan, and Sara Lattin, Chief of Staff in the office of State Senator Tom O'Mara, at the ribbon cutting.

Ribbon cutting celebrates Museum's 50 years

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (278)A ribbon-cutting celebration June 3rd marked the 50th anniversary of the Schuyler County Historical Society's Brick Tavern Museum at 108 N. Catharine Street in Montour Falls. Speakers included Alyssa Denger of the Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce; Sara Lattin, Chief of Staff in the office of State Senator Tom O'Mara; Montour Falls Mayor Jim Ryan, and the Society's Executive Director of Museums, Heather O'Grady-Evans -- who received a State Legislature proclamation from Lattin in tribute to the half-century milestone. Said O'Grady-Evans, after praising those who started the museum and those who have kept it thriving: "We're just getting started."

Photo in text: Lattin (right) presents a State Legislature proclamation to O'Grady-Evans.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (279)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (280)

A baptism times three

Three young cousins -- the first grandchildren of Chris and Liz Stamp -- are baptized in an unusual ceremony at St. Mary's of the Lake Church in Watkins Glen. People.

Photo: Chris Stamp holds grandson Logan Wilkens.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (281)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (282)

Repair Cafe volunteer David Martin works on a cuckoo clock brought in by Cassandra Hinkle of Enfield, right.

Hector Repair Cafe helps recycle used items

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (283)The second of two Repair Cafes was held June 1st -- this one at the VLH Fire Department in Hector. As with the first one -- held April 20 at the Montour Falls Fire Department -- it had volunteers on hand to repair items brought in by area folks looking to recycle personal items free of charge rather than toss them in the trash. The Repair Cafes stemmed from the work of Sustainability Committees in both communities. The village and town are each working toward Gold Certification in the Climate Smart Communities movement, and earned points for the cafes. The state-run CSC program provides valuable grants and technical assistance, as does the state Clean Energy Community program in which Montour Falls and Hector are also actively involved.

Photo in text: Volunteer Chuck Wilke works on a lamp at the Hector Repair Cafe.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (284)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (285)

Cycle Boats co-owners Sam Hale, left, and Chris Marriott.

Ribbon cut for Cycle Boats business on lake

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (286)A ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 30 at Seneca Harbor Park welcomes a new business, Finger Lakes Cycle Boats, a week after it started transporting passengers on Seneca Lake. The company's boat, named the Seneca Siren, offers a combination of motorized travel and old-fashioned pedal power, with up to 10 people manning bike-like pedals to move the craft along on its travels. Business.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (287)

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For full coverage of the 2013 Alice Trappler murder trial, you can click here.

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Click here or on the ad above to reach the Schuyler County Partnership for Economic Development website


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Click here or on the ad above to reach a Chamber of Commerce website.


For more information about Public Health,
visit its website here.

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The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (298)

Watkins Glen's Annette Rodriguez has published her second book of poetry, titled "Surfaced. See me, Understand Me." It is available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and on her website here.


The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (299)

Read The Stoneware of Havana, N.Y. and Its Makers
by Allen F. Sweet.

A history of the manufacturing of Stoneware in that village (Montour Falls) from 1850-1888. More than 100 color photos.

Available at the Schuyler County Historical Society Museum.


The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (300)

A book of poetry by J.A. Bauman of Watkins Glen -- "words that God gave me to share with you." Available through


The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (301)

A Christian-based autobiography written by Melinda Kreischer, pen name for a long-time Finger Lakes area resident. Ordering information can be found here.


The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (302)

My Wild Ride: The Untamed Life of a Girl with No Self-esteem, an autobiography by ex-Throughbred trainer Susan Bump -- who grew up in Montour Falls -- is now available in e-book formats at major retailers including


Click on the ad below to go to the Schuyler County Transit schedule.

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The Elizabeth Amisano Ovarian Cancer Education Fund
Live Like Liz, Inc.
P.O. Box 434
Watkins Glen NY 14891


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A novel by Steve Piacente about a military cover-up, and about the ethical boundaries of journalism. For a closer look, click here.


The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (307)

The author, J.N. Brown, is a 2005 graduate of Odessa-Montour High School. He works at Corning Inc. To visit his website, click here.


The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (308)

An account of a daughter's eating disorder and her mother's seeming helplessness and desperation in the face of it -- and yet a story of hope, love and survival, and a lifeline to other parents dealing with obsessive behavior. $17.95 from


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A self-help guide to understanding the role of emotions, this book offers a four-step path to emotional mastery and freedom. $15.95 from


The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (310)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (311)

An eternal message of lights, hope and faith

The week following Susan Haeffner's passing was fraught with signs -- most of them light-based, and one in the form of a vision. Here the editor relives those days in an effort to pass along a message of hope and faith. Message.

Above: The Aurora Borealis (From the Internet--as seen in Scandinavia)


The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (312)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (313)

Oh, the famous faces I've seen

The editor has been thinking about fame (a commodity foreign to him personally), and about the famous people he has encountered. Some thoughts on the subject. Famous.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (314)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (315)

The Sound and the Silence: A Memoir

Some things in life can mean a great deal -- can embody hope and dreams ... and memories. The sailboat is one such thing for the author. Silence.


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The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (317)

Some sports stories and essays inside

Check out our sports related stories and essays, located at the bottom of the Sports Page.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (318)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (319)

Some special feature packages

From stories of life years ago along Steam Mill Road, to stories by the editor -- you can find them at the bottom of Features.


The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (320)

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (321)

The editor's long search for some childhood icons

When he was a child, the editor let fear get the better of him while he was watching a pair of beloved TV heroes in peril. The scar from that experience lingered for decades. For a journey through what the editor's son calls "a weird obsession," click here.

Above: One of the heroes in question.


The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (322)

A cabin in the woods

The editor travels, figuratively, back in time to an old haunt, familiar faces and warm memories. Cabin.

The Odessa File: News of Schuyler County (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.